Name: Flirty Prat
Location: UK
Hobbies: Reading, Writing and talking to Prats
Likes/Dislikes: Making friends/Chances missed
Favourite Site: Doh!
Fave HP Quote: "Well, that's pretty stupid of you, since the only other person you
know who's been posessed by him is me." - Ginny Weasley
Quote to live by: Carpe Diem
Name: Smarty Prat
Location: New Jersey
Hobbies: Band, saving money and crafts
Likes/Dislikes: Clay/My job
Fave HP Quote: "We could have been killed - or worse, expelled." - Hermione
Quote to live by: TBC
Name: Nutty Prat
Location: My House
Hobbies: Reading, writing poetry/songs
Likes/Dislikes: Nothing Time/Not having any nothing time
Fave HP Quote: "Shut up, Weatherby."
Quote to live by: Pain and suffering are a part of life. Misery is a choice.
Name: Wacky Prat
Location: Wet and Windy England
Hobbies: Reading Prat FF's and of course talking to them! Oh, and acting.
Likes/Dislikes: Acting/Fish (yuck!)
Favourite Site: To many to mention, but this one's high up on the list!
Fave HP Quote: "So light a fire!" Harry choked.
"Yes - of course - but there's no wood!" Hermione cried.
Quote to live by: None
Name: Sleepy Prat
Location: The Moon
Hobbies: Reading, writing (cause of the Prats) playing with my kids
Likes/Dislikes: Coffee/Tea
Fave HP Quote: "No good sittin' and worryin' abou' it" he said. "What's comin' will come,
an we'll meet it when it does." - Rubeus Hagrid
Quote to live by: None
Name: Crazy Prat
Location: Illinois and Iowa (School)
Hobbies: Writing, playing sports
Likes/Dislikes: Being me/being upset
Favourite Site: PYP Headquarters of course and the WB HP website
Fave HP Quote: Ron was staring at Pettigrew with revulsion. "I let you sleep in my bed!"
he said
Quote to live by: "What was there to be gained
by fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed? Only innocent lives, Peter." - Sirius Black
Name: Nawty Prat
Location: UK
Hobbies: Reading, watching WWE wrestling, messing on the comp.
Likes/Dislikes: Tolkien/Stale sweat
Fave HP Quote: TBC
Quote to live by: "Don't be afraid of death, rather the unlived life."
Name: Sweety Prat
Location: Canada
Hobbies: Reading, chatting, golf, other sports
Likes/Dislikes: Big, fluffy sweatshirts/Insects
Fave HP Quote: "Hey Neville's right. You are a girl!"
"Oh, well spotted, Ron."
Quote to live by: "Live to the point of tears" - Camus
Name: Witty Prat
Location: New Hampshire, USA
Hobbies: All things Harry Potter, reading, crochet and skiing.
Likes/Dislikes: Chocolate/Umbridge
Fave HP quote: "Hey Big D... this is night, Diddykins. That's what we call it
when it goes all dark like this."
Quote to live by: If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done.
Name: Dizzy Prat
Location: Utah, USA
Hobbies: Reading, writing, singing, acting, and tap dancing
Likes/Dislikes: Laughing with friends/People who are mean for no reason
Fave HP Quote: "Because that's what Hermione does," Ron said, shrugging. "When in doubt,
go to the library."
Quote to live by: "The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful
of all" - Fa Zhou, Mulan
Name: Chocky Prat
Location: UK
Hobbies: Running, playin me flute, listening to music, star gazing (trying, anyway)
Likes/Dislikes: Chocolate/Tomatoes
Favourite site: Try the Harry Potter site
Fave HP Quote: "To the well organised mind, death is but the next great adventure!" -
Quote to live by: "It does not do to dwell on dreams - and forget to live." - Dumbledore